
Rick Henkel - FrameMaker-Related Stuff

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Friday, April 01, 2005
FrameMaker recover files

Frame has a habit of crashing every once in a while. That in and of itself is no big deal. But what can really be a pain in the tuckus is dealing with all the .recover files that Frame generates. When you open the file that has a .recover version, you're prompted to open the recovered version instead, which is annoying when opening all the files in a book that has crashed.

You can simply trash the .recover files, but you'll miss any changes you may have made to the files since the last time that you saved.

There may be something else you can do. When Frame crashed on me this afternoon, displaying that gruesome "Internal Error" message, I tried clicking on the Frame interface for some reason. Even though the "Internal Error" message was still showing, I was able to use the Frame interface to save all the files in the book. As a result, no recover files, and all my files had the latest changes when I opened them post-crash.

I don't know whether that works every time, but it's definitely worth a shot the next time that Frame crashes on you.

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