
Rick Henkel - FrameMaker-Related Stuff

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Monday, March 07, 2005

When you are working in a document, it’s hard to determine the current markers (e.g., index markers) in the file. But IXgen can make it a bit easier.

Using IXgen to display the markers in a file

1. With your document open, open the IXgen menu, and click Expand Markers.

The Expand Markers to Inline Text dialog box appears.

2. In the Expand markers of type list, select the appropriate type of marker.

3. Click Expand.

IXgen expands all the appropriate markers in the document and displays them with a special character tag that is bold and underlined.

You then can make any changes to the marker by updating the text that has the special character tag applied.

WARNING: Make sure that you collapse the markers before closing the file or before generating a TOC or index.

Collapsing the markers in a file

1. Open the IXgen menu, and click Collapse Markers.

The Collapse Marker Text into Markers dialog box appears.

2. Select the Collapse orphaned marker text into markers of type option button.

3. In the list below the option button, select the type of marker that you expanded.

4. Click Collapse.

IXgen collapses all the appropriate markers in the document, incorporating any changes to marker text that you made.

I'm not sure, but I think Index Tools and MarkerWorker have similar options.

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