Wednesday, September 08, 2004
September 11 Tribute
For my grandparents, it was 12/7/41. For my parents, it was 11/22/63. For me, it was 9/11/01. The day that everything changed.
It's been nearly three years now, and it seems like a lot of people have forgotten the details about that day of great devastation and emotion. This page serves as an incredible reminder. (It's over 7MB, so you'd be better off using a high-speed connection to view it.)
- posted by Rick @ 8:27 AM
I sent an e-mail to the tribute creator to let him know how much I appreciated his work. I received an autoresponse from him that I wanted to share here.
This is an autoresponse due to the volume of e-mail I am receiving on the America Attacked 9 1 1 page that I created located at I have also done a memorial to the Pentagon attack which links off the above tripod site.
Because bandwidth is expensive and sites are limiting the amount of bandwidth this site can use, some folks have stepped up to the plate and mirrored the site. A list of those mirrors can be found at so if the tripod sites are not available for a period of time due to excessive bandwidth, either try again in the future or go to the mirror site and click on one of the mirrors.
For those of you that want a copy of the file, I can burn it to a CD for you but be advised that I have already done several hundred of these and I cannot afford to keep it up. I can burn you a copy and send it to you via first class mail, with a sleeve and a coverplate, for $10.00 USD which covers only my cost. I did not want to charge anyone but between bandwidth, CD's, sleeves, covers, postage and ink, it's already become an expense that I cannot afford. E-mail me at for payment instructions. The CD version is twice as long, there are more photo's and I also include the Pentagon Memorial. In addition to these I have included a directory with never seen before photos of the carnage of downtown Manhattan.
This has been a work in progress since the attack of 11 September 2001. I survived the attack that day by being late to work. I lost many people that day, 41 in total, that were not so lucky. I did the memorial to honor those that I lost, those that America lost and for the heroes that responded so selfishly that day. We met the worst of humanity with the best of humanity and we have prevailed.
What many of you do not know is that there are still over 15,000 body parts in the morgue. Some will never be identified. I have gone to funerals on a weekly basis between 18 September 2001 through the end of May 2002. I went to 2 in June, 3 in July and 1 in August 2002. Sometimes I went several times a week and sometimes I went to multiple funerals for the same person. You see, they're identifying body parts. Sometimes they identify multiple parts of the same person months apart; so we re-bury them. That's one of the reasons why New Yorkers have not moved all that far from 11 September 2001. A week before the second anniversary, I went to my last funeral of someone that we buried in October 2001. I created these pages to keep the memory of the people who were brutally murdered alive. To show the world some of the images that are burnt into my soul. Images that no one should ever witness. My soul aches.
People have forgotten that day and the 10,000 city school children who lost one or both parents in that attack; the 125 children of Pentagon victims who lost one or both of their parents. The patriotism that I witnessed after the attack is beginning to be replaced with apathy once again. The image of Congress standing on the Capitol steps singing God Bless America is replaced with the War in Unjust and I wonder if they remember that beautiful pre-fall crisp Tuesday morning when commercial jetliners were hijacked and used as weapons of mass destruction.
For those of you who are appreciative of the work and for all those who have offered mirror sites, I sincerely thank you. I am a bit overwhelmed at the response. I have never advertised it. I sent the URL out to family and close friends and it has taken off from there. It has been cathartic to me, seeing that it has been useful to people in coming to grips with the attack.
For those of you that tell me that I should not have included people jumping off the trade center, the fact of the matter is that people jumped that day by the hundreds rather than be melted like molten steel. You need to know what those animals did that forced people to make a choice between jumping or melting. That you don't like to view it is not my problem. I didn't like witnessing it.
Don't ask me to understand why these animals did this to us. I have no interest in understanding them. I want them dead. Don't e-mail me about innocent people being killed in a warzone. I am uninterested in their plight. If that sounds cold, go review the memorial again. NONE of those people were at war on 11 September 2001 and they are not casualties of war. They were murdered. I don't want their murderers treated as war criminals; I want them treated as they are--subhuman criminals who committed crimes against humanity. I don't want to hug them, analyze them or anything other than annihilate them. Wipe them off the face of the earth.
As for those who were killed in war zones in Afghanistan, Iraq or any other nation that we engage militarily, the cold cruel reality is that in a warzone sometimes innocents die. They could have risen up, like the Northern Alliance did, but they did not. They have to live or die with the decision that they have made. If you have a problem with that statement, then that's your problem, don't make it mine!
For those of you who question why we are taking and want us to cease our pre-emptive measures, don't bother inundating me with your whining. I go to the doctor for an annual check-up and I go to the dentist for check-ups. I do not wait for my breathing to become labored or wait until root canal is necessary. We should not wait for a mushroom cloud, biological cloud, dirty-bomb cloud or any other terrorist cloud to rise up over another American city or town before we act. We played the game your way for years: 1992 US Embassy Rhodesia; 1993 Mogadishu, Somalia; 1993 The bombing of the First World Trade Center; 1996 Khobar Towers, Saudi Arabia; 1998 Tandem bombings US Embassies Kenya/Tanzania; 2000 USS Cole, Yemin. We tried to understand all these attacks and our apathy to these attacks led us to the attack of 11 September 2001. If any nation shows a propensity for supporting terrorists, then we should demand that they cease. If they do not, then we should engage them militarily to prevent their support of terrorists from ever reaching our shores again. I don't need the United Nations telling me when I have a right to defend myself. The UN should follow its predecessor into irrelevance. 17 Resolutions and a dozen failed years to enforce those resolutions translates into an abdication of responsibility. Don't try to convince me otherwise, you will be wasting your time.
For those that blame US policy for the attack of 11 September, don't bother trying to convince me that we are to blame for this wanton cowardly attack. I don't care whether they agree with US policy or not. No one forced them to hijack US commercial jetliners and crash them into our buildings, killing thousands of our countrymen and a few hundred from other nations. I don't always agree with my government, but you don't see me hijacking commercial jetliners or killing people to make a point. For those who view this as an opportunity to cease the cycle of violence, I agree with that one hundred percent. I just disagree on how to accomplish the cessation of violence. I belive that our military respond should be overwhelming, making anyone wonder why they attacked us like this in the first place, which will ensure they don't even thinking about attacking us in the future. I am not politically correct. You kill one of us and we should kill one hundred of you. It is amazing what a motivator to cease the cycle of violence that would be. I'm not seeking your approval. Do your own flash presentation!
Our nation was attacked on 11 September 2001 and we are responding to this attack in the only way that animals understand. If we respond in any other fashion, the message we are sending is that it is OK to attack the United States, kill thousands of our countrymen, that we do not have the resolve to see justice through. We become what they called us within a week of that attack--cowards, fat, content. I don't know about you, but I am no coward. We did not start this war; we did not want this war. We will finish this war.
For those of you who claim that this war is about oil or UN Imperialism, I want you to consider that through the years the United States have sent many of our fine young men and women to fight for freedom well beyond our borders and yet the only land we have ever asked for is just enough to bury those who died on the battlefield. Some countries that we previously liberated from tyranny who have given us the land to bury our dead seem to have forgotten sacrifices made for them by Americans.
In a free society comes responsibility. To defend freedom. Make your choice and remember that you live with the choices you make. My city may have been hurt; we may even still be bleeding. We will bury our dead, tend to our wounded and we will overcome this cowardly attack. A spire will rise from the most horrific attack on American soil that will memorialize life, not death. It will remember heroics and be a perpetual testament to the spirit of America, the spirit of New York. It will remind the world that you can knock down our mightiest buildings, but you cannot break the spirit of the United States--where else but New York City could such a symbol be built! Yes, I am deeply proud of how my city responded--it set the stage for the world to see what the United States is made of.
Finally, to those who wear the uniform, who go to impossible places with impossible conditions, I cannot tell you how proud you make me. I cannot say thank you enough for avenging our dead, for protecting our freedom and for reminding the world, once again, that attacking the United States on the sneak is hazardous to ones health. You are truly the best that America has produced and we are blessed to have you.
God continue to Bless America and keep her free.
Steve Golding
New York City
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This is an autoresponse due to the volume of e-mail I am receiving on the America Attacked 9 1 1 page that I created located at I have also done a memorial to the Pentagon attack which links off the above tripod site.
Because bandwidth is expensive and sites are limiting the amount of bandwidth this site can use, some folks have stepped up to the plate and mirrored the site. A list of those mirrors can be found at so if the tripod sites are not available for a period of time due to excessive bandwidth, either try again in the future or go to the mirror site and click on one of the mirrors.
For those of you that want a copy of the file, I can burn it to a CD for you but be advised that I have already done several hundred of these and I cannot afford to keep it up. I can burn you a copy and send it to you via first class mail, with a sleeve and a coverplate, for $10.00 USD which covers only my cost. I did not want to charge anyone but between bandwidth, CD's, sleeves, covers, postage and ink, it's already become an expense that I cannot afford. E-mail me at for payment instructions. The CD version is twice as long, there are more photo's and I also include the Pentagon Memorial. In addition to these I have included a directory with never seen before photos of the carnage of downtown Manhattan.
This has been a work in progress since the attack of 11 September 2001. I survived the attack that day by being late to work. I lost many people that day, 41 in total, that were not so lucky. I did the memorial to honor those that I lost, those that America lost and for the heroes that responded so selfishly that day. We met the worst of humanity with the best of humanity and we have prevailed.
What many of you do not know is that there are still over 15,000 body parts in the morgue. Some will never be identified. I have gone to funerals on a weekly basis between 18 September 2001 through the end of May 2002. I went to 2 in June, 3 in July and 1 in August 2002. Sometimes I went several times a week and sometimes I went to multiple funerals for the same person. You see, they're identifying body parts. Sometimes they identify multiple parts of the same person months apart; so we re-bury them. That's one of the reasons why New Yorkers have not moved all that far from 11 September 2001. A week before the second anniversary, I went to my last funeral of someone that we buried in October 2001. I created these pages to keep the memory of the people who were brutally murdered alive. To show the world some of the images that are burnt into my soul. Images that no one should ever witness. My soul aches.
People have forgotten that day and the 10,000 city school children who lost one or both parents in that attack; the 125 children of Pentagon victims who lost one or both of their parents. The patriotism that I witnessed after the attack is beginning to be replaced with apathy once again. The image of Congress standing on the Capitol steps singing God Bless America is replaced with the War in Unjust and I wonder if they remember that beautiful pre-fall crisp Tuesday morning when commercial jetliners were hijacked and used as weapons of mass destruction.
For those of you who are appreciative of the work and for all those who have offered mirror sites, I sincerely thank you. I am a bit overwhelmed at the response. I have never advertised it. I sent the URL out to family and close friends and it has taken off from there. It has been cathartic to me, seeing that it has been useful to people in coming to grips with the attack.
For those of you that tell me that I should not have included people jumping off the trade center, the fact of the matter is that people jumped that day by the hundreds rather than be melted like molten steel. You need to know what those animals did that forced people to make a choice between jumping or melting. That you don't like to view it is not my problem. I didn't like witnessing it.
Don't ask me to understand why these animals did this to us. I have no interest in understanding them. I want them dead. Don't e-mail me about innocent people being killed in a warzone. I am uninterested in their plight. If that sounds cold, go review the memorial again. NONE of those people were at war on 11 September 2001 and they are not casualties of war. They were murdered. I don't want their murderers treated as war criminals; I want them treated as they are--subhuman criminals who committed crimes against humanity. I don't want to hug them, analyze them or anything other than annihilate them. Wipe them off the face of the earth.
As for those who were killed in war zones in Afghanistan, Iraq or any other nation that we engage militarily, the cold cruel reality is that in a warzone sometimes innocents die. They could have risen up, like the Northern Alliance did, but they did not. They have to live or die with the decision that they have made. If you have a problem with that statement, then that's your problem, don't make it mine!
For those of you who question why we are taking and want us to cease our pre-emptive measures, don't bother inundating me with your whining. I go to the doctor for an annual check-up and I go to the dentist for check-ups. I do not wait for my breathing to become labored or wait until root canal is necessary. We should not wait for a mushroom cloud, biological cloud, dirty-bomb cloud or any other terrorist cloud to rise up over another American city or town before we act. We played the game your way for years: 1992 US Embassy Rhodesia; 1993 Mogadishu, Somalia; 1993 The bombing of the First World Trade Center; 1996 Khobar Towers, Saudi Arabia; 1998 Tandem bombings US Embassies Kenya/Tanzania; 2000 USS Cole, Yemin. We tried to understand all these attacks and our apathy to these attacks led us to the attack of 11 September 2001. If any nation shows a propensity for supporting terrorists, then we should demand that they cease. If they do not, then we should engage them militarily to prevent their support of terrorists from ever reaching our shores again. I don't need the United Nations telling me when I have a right to defend myself. The UN should follow its predecessor into irrelevance. 17 Resolutions and a dozen failed years to enforce those resolutions translates into an abdication of responsibility. Don't try to convince me otherwise, you will be wasting your time.
For those that blame US policy for the attack of 11 September, don't bother trying to convince me that we are to blame for this wanton cowardly attack. I don't care whether they agree with US policy or not. No one forced them to hijack US commercial jetliners and crash them into our buildings, killing thousands of our countrymen and a few hundred from other nations. I don't always agree with my government, but you don't see me hijacking commercial jetliners or killing people to make a point. For those who view this as an opportunity to cease the cycle of violence, I agree with that one hundred percent. I just disagree on how to accomplish the cessation of violence. I belive that our military respond should be overwhelming, making anyone wonder why they attacked us like this in the first place, which will ensure they don't even thinking about attacking us in the future. I am not politically correct. You kill one of us and we should kill one hundred of you. It is amazing what a motivator to cease the cycle of violence that would be. I'm not seeking your approval. Do your own flash presentation!
Our nation was attacked on 11 September 2001 and we are responding to this attack in the only way that animals understand. If we respond in any other fashion, the message we are sending is that it is OK to attack the United States, kill thousands of our countrymen, that we do not have the resolve to see justice through. We become what they called us within a week of that attack--cowards, fat, content. I don't know about you, but I am no coward. We did not start this war; we did not want this war. We will finish this war.
For those of you who claim that this war is about oil or UN Imperialism, I want you to consider that through the years the United States have sent many of our fine young men and women to fight for freedom well beyond our borders and yet the only land we have ever asked for is just enough to bury those who died on the battlefield. Some countries that we previously liberated from tyranny who have given us the land to bury our dead seem to have forgotten sacrifices made for them by Americans.
In a free society comes responsibility. To defend freedom. Make your choice and remember that you live with the choices you make. My city may have been hurt; we may even still be bleeding. We will bury our dead, tend to our wounded and we will overcome this cowardly attack. A spire will rise from the most horrific attack on American soil that will memorialize life, not death. It will remember heroics and be a perpetual testament to the spirit of America, the spirit of New York. It will remind the world that you can knock down our mightiest buildings, but you cannot break the spirit of the United States--where else but New York City could such a symbol be built! Yes, I am deeply proud of how my city responded--it set the stage for the world to see what the United States is made of.
Finally, to those who wear the uniform, who go to impossible places with impossible conditions, I cannot tell you how proud you make me. I cannot say thank you enough for avenging our dead, for protecting our freedom and for reminding the world, once again, that attacking the United States on the sneak is hazardous to ones health. You are truly the best that America has produced and we are blessed to have you.
God continue to Bless America and keep her free.
Steve Golding
New York City