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Thursday, August 12, 2004
PaintShop Pro 9 Beta available for testing

The PaintShop Pro 9 Beta is available for testing. Looks like they have two versions now: the regular version and a lite version.

I wouldn't try downloading the Beta over a slow connection. The installer is over 98MB!

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Thursday, August 05, 2004
Be careful what you say . . . and what you save

People always say you shouldn't send a message that you wouldn't want pasted on the company bulletin board. Not only that, but you definitely shouldn't save a message that you wouldn't want pasted on the bulletin board.

One of my tasks is to clean up PCs when people leave the company. I get rid of unnecessary stuff to prepare the PC for the next person.

When a woman left the company a while back, I stumbled across a file on her C drive. She had saved an IM conversation that she'd had with another employee in our department. In the conversation, both women tore several of their co-workers (myself included) to shreds. They even ripped the two managers for the department.

One of the managers eventually heard about the saved conversation, albeit not from me. She read the conversation and forwarded it to the other manager. I don't know whether anything will come out of this. The interesting part is that although the woman who saved the conversation is no longer here, the other participant is and just received a promotion a few weeks ago.

For the life of me, I can't figure out why she saved that conversation. She even included the date and the name of the other participant in the file name. Or, if she felt like saving it, why in the world didn't she delete it when she knew someone else would be taking over that computer??

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Wednesday, August 04, 2004
Finding Visa numbers on Google

George Hotelling shows how you can find Visa account numbers and additional information on Google.

Now that's kinda scary.

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